NEXUS-IBA: 45 Years of Pioneering Global Broadcasting, Media and Technology (1979-2024)

NEXUS-IBA: 45 Years of Pioneering Global Broadcasting, Media and Technology (1979-2024)

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NEXUS-IBA: 45 Years of Global Broadcasting Innovation and Bridging Digital Divides

Read about NEXUS-IBA’s journey from a local station to a critical global broadcasting player, highlighting its enduring commitment to free speech, technological innovation, and connecting communities worldwide.


NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association, originating as Globe Radio Milan in 1979, has journeyed from a modest FM station in Italy to a beacon of International Broadcasting. This transformation, marked significantly by the launch of IRRS-Shortwave in 1988, catapulted NEXUS-IBA into the global arena. The 1990s witnessed the association breaking new ground with pioneering digital broadcasting and streaming services. NEXUS-IBA’s commitment to global communication was further solidified through its association with the United Nations and UNESCO, starting in 1995, which underscored its role in disseminating vital information worldwide.

The heart of NEXUS-IBA’s mission lies in bridging the digital divide, utilizing medium-wave and shortwave broadcasting to connect remote regions in Africa, Asia, and Europe. This endeavor has been particularly impactful in conflict zones such as Ukraine, Palestine & Israel, and the former Yugoslavia, Iran, Iraq and South Sudan where NEXUS-IBA’s broadcasts have provided a lifeline of information and diverse perspectives. Furthermore, the association’s initiatives like European Gospel Radio and International Public Access Radio (IPAR) have created platforms for a multitude of voices and messages to resonate on a global scale. Through these efforts, NEXUS-IBA has not only championed free speech and technological innovation but also played a crucial role in connecting communities and fostering cultural preservation around the world.

IRRS Globe Radio Milan logo (1979-1998)

The Journey Begins: Globe Radio Milan to NEXUS-IBA

In 1979, Globe Radio Milan began broadcasting in Milan, Italy, marking the inception of the NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (NEXUS-IBA). This transformation symbolized a pivotal change in European radio broadcasting, embracing the concept of free radio. By 1988, the addition of IRRS-Shortwave notably expanded NEXUS-IBA’s reach, elevating it to a prominent position in international radio broadcasting.

Pioneering Digital Broadcasting and Streaming

In the 1990s, NEXUS-IBA broke new ground in digital broadcasting and internet technologies. By 1994, they had launched one of the first global internet cloud services, leading Europe in streaming audio and video services. This technological leap set new standards in media technology, marking a significant achievement in the history of digital broadcasting.

Upholding Free Speech and Expanding Global Access

NEXUS-IBA has steadfastly advocated free speech and diverse programming, especially via the IPAR (International Public Access Radio) initiative. NEXUS-IBA’s non-interference policy in global content distribution resulted in various programs offering a global array of perspectives. Our expansion into Shortwave, AM/Medium Wave, satellite services, and internet streaming was crucial in democratizing information access worldwide, particularly in remote areas of Africa and Asia.

UNESCO radio on NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association


Significant Collaborations with the United Nations and UNESCO

In 1995, NEXUS-IBA was officially approved for association with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN/DPI). This approval highlights NEXUS-IBA’s role in globally disseminating information about the activities of the United Nations and UNESCO, underlining its commitment to international cooperation and information dissemination.

Bridging the Digital Divide with Medium Wave and Shortwave Broadcasting

Medium-wave and shortwave broadcasting by Nexus-IBA has been pivotal in bridging the digital divide and reaching audiences in Europe, Africa, and Asia. These broadcasting methods ensure connectivity in regions with limited or no internet access, providing diverse content, including news, talk shows, and cultural programs. This resilience is crucial in maintaining an inclusive medium in the face of digital inequality.

AM/MW and Shortwave radio receivers

Shortwave Broadcasting: Connecting Remote and Isolated Regions

Shortwave radio broadcasting is essential for global communication, particularly in remote and isolated areas. Its long-range capabilities transcend geographical, political, and social barriers, connecting communities worldwide. Shortwave radio is a critical source of information in regions like Africa and the Asia-Pacific, affirming its vital role in global connectivity.

Empowering Communities Through Radio Broadcasting

Radio broadcasting is vital in empowering communities, especially in remote areas. It is a critical platform for sharing information, providing education, enabling participation in societal discussions, and fostering community development. In regions with limited access to other media forms, radio becomes the primary source of information, playing a pivotal role in education and community empowerment.

John Bayliss preaching in northern Thailand/Border of Myanmar (Burma)

Radio as a Custodian of Cultural Diversity

Radio broadcasting is crucial in preserving local cultures and languages against the backdrop of globalization. Broadcasting in indigenous languages helps maintain cultural identities and educates listeners about their heritage. This role is vital in Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific, where radio is a guardian of cultural diversity.

Russian bombing at Kramatorsk radio station in Ukraine, 2022

Bombing destruction at Kramatorsk radio station in Ukraine (2022)

The Role of Broadcasting in War-Torn Regions

NEXUS-IBA has played a significant role in broadcasting to war-torn regions, using medium-wave and shortwave transmissions to reach areas like Ukraine, Palestine & Israel, Iran-Iraq, South Sudan, and the former Yugoslavia. In these conflict zones, where information is crucial yet often scarce or controlled, NEXUS-IBA’s broadcasts have provided a lifeline by disseminating news and information, supporting humanitarian efforts, and offering a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. This contribution underscores the importance of unbiased, reliable broadcasting in areas affected by conflict and crisis.

European Gospel Radio QSL card

European Gospel Radio: Non-Denominational Outreach

European Gospel Radio (EGR), a service offered by NEXUS-IBA, provides a non-denominational platform for religious organizations to broadcast internationally. EGR aims to facilitate the spread of religious and spiritual messages to a global audience, aligning with NEXUS-IBA’s commitment to free speech and diversity. This service allows a broad spectrum of religious content to be shared across continents.

IPAR support freedom of speech radio

International Public Access Radio (IPAR)

International Public Access Radio (IPAR) is a crucial initiative by NEXUS-IBA designed to provide international broadcasting access to organizations and individuals. IPAR’s mission is to bridge the communication gap by offering an accessible platform for a wide range of voices and messages to be heard globally. This service ensures that diverse perspectives are shared and heard internationally.

NEXUS-IBA’s Involvement in the DEMOS EU Project

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (NEXUS-IBA) played a pivotal role in the DEMOS project, an initiative under the European Union’s 5th Framework Programme. DEMOS, standing for “Delphi Mediation Online System,” was part of the Information Society Technologies, Key Action I.4.2, focusing on ‘Online Support to Democratic Processes.’ This project aimed to enhance democratic engagement and participatory processes through innovative digital solutions.

NEXUS-IBA’s involvement in the DEMOS project underlined its commitment to leveraging technology for societal benefit, particularly in e-democracy. The project aimed to develop digital platforms and tools facilitating effective and inclusive communication between citizens and public administrations. This was a significant step towards modernizing democratic processes and making them more accessible and transparent for the European public.

The DEMOS project represented an innovative approach to e-governance, where digital platforms were utilized to create open forums for discussion, decision-making, and mediation. NEXUS-IBA’s contribution to this project showcased its expertise in digital communication and its broader commitment to supporting democratic processes through technological advancement.

Broadcast Technology Research Development and Innovation

The Role of NEXUS-IBA’s R&D Lab in Developing WorldDirector CDN

In 1994, NEXUS-IBA’s internal R&D lab developed the first-ever global Content Delivery Network (CDN), named WorldDirector. This groundbreaking technology, built on globally distributed Internet cloud services, marked NEXUS-IBA as Europe’s first to offer streaming audio and video services using its CDN technology.

Fast forward to 2024, WorldDirector still represents a significant advancement in media technology, enabling the efficient distribution and delivery of multimedia content with high speed, quality, resilience, and reliability. The creation of WorldDirector underscored NEXUS-IBA’s commitment to innovation and its pioneering role in the digital transformation of global broadcasting and media services.​


This article highlights NEXUS-IBA’s 45-year journey, showcasing its significant contributions to global broadcasting, technological advancements, and its vital role in connecting and empowering communities worldwide, particularly in regions affected by conflict and digital divides. Over the past 45 years, the NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (NEXUS-IBA) has significantly impacted global broadcasting. Starting as a small local FM station, it has become a pioneering force in radio broadcasting and digital technology. Through its commitment to free speech, diverse programming, and collaborations with international bodies like the United Nations and UNESCO, NEXUS-IBA has played a pivotal role in bridging the digital divide, reaching remote communities, and providing unbiased information in conflict zones. Services like European Gospel Radio and International Public Access Radio demonstrate NEXUS-IBA’s dedication to connecting diverse voices with a global audience. As NEXUS-IBA continues to innovate and adapt, its legacy as a worldwide communication and cultural preservation facilitator remains more relevant than ever.


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NEXUS-IBA and Milano Ventures Ltd. partnership

NEXUS-IBA and Milano Ventures Ltd. partnership

NEXUS-IBA selects Milano Ventures as partner

NEXUS-IBA selects Milano Ventures Ltd as Global Media service partner

Global Media partnership in International Broadcasting and Content Delivery

Milano Ventures merges the competencies and shares the values of NEXUS-IBA in offering strategic consultancy and opportunities to International Broadcasters, either secular or Christian, to reach any country in the world via (World) International Shortwave Radio, International AM radio (Medium Wave), IP Streaming and Satellite.

NEXUS-IBA and Milano Ventures use the most advanced public & private cloud technologies, including CDN for fast & reliable streaming and broadcasting & media services for international organisations.

Get on the air on shortwave, satellite or streaming

Be like the BBC (*), VOA, CNN, Radio France Internationale, The Deutsche Welle  (*), Al Jazeera or your favourite international broadcaster and cover the world with a single broadcast, at less than the cost of one market on FM or terrestrial TV at home.

(*) The BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle are among the many international broadcasters hosted in Milan, Italy. As a NEXUS-IBA member, they broadcasted live headline news and information to Milan’s English-speaking community.

Africa and Asia satellite coverage

Africa and Asia satellite coverage

With our global media partnership, NEXUS-IBA and Milano Ventures help you reach any world corner with powerful international broadcasting services. We use some of the most powerful stations in the world, with more than 40 Million Watts (up to 43 MW ERP) on Shortwave radio, AM/Medium Wave (in Europe) or via satellite radio & TV and Internet streaming.

How to Replace Satellite Radio Networks with IP

You can now save money using IP streaming to convey your audio or video stream from your production studio to our stations. You can save money, broadcast live and use your live stream connected to our CDN to make your content available to listeners in the Americas, Europe, Asia/Pacific and Africa.

NEXUS-IBA and Milano Ventures use WorldDirector CDN technology to transport digital audio or video signals and deliver content to millions of users worldwide.

Secular and Christian media

Milano Ventures and NEXUS-IBA do not discriminate against race, sex, language, or political or religious beliefs. We promote pluralism of information, human rights, free speech, political and religious pluralism, diversity, with particular attention to minorities, and above all ethnic, cultural, political, and religious minorities. We promote first hand information, apply no censorship to content providers, and make all efforts using the best available technologies to overcome those who blocks access to free flow of information on radio and TV using jamming or slowing down or denying cross-border Internet traffic.

Secular and religious broadcasting

On IPAR (International Public Access Radio), we promote news and feature programs in English and other languages that deal with sensitive issues such as freedom of speech. We can also target regions where freedom of speech is at stake, where governments block the Internet and censor communication and media.

Over EGR (European Gospel Radio), we promote Christian and religious programs aimed at worldwide evangelism, hosting any preacher, Minister, Church, missionary, confessional, non-denominational religious organisation or anyone who has something to say or preach to the world.

Over our mainstream streaming channels or via the client’s dedicated streaming audio (radio) and streaming video (TV) channels, we offer a 24/7 presence accessible anywhere. We use our WorldDirector CDN cloud-based services, not necessarily controlled by any significant cloud providers or Governments, running on an independent Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Point of Access servers spread across the world. Working with an independent hybrid cloud vendor like Milano Ventures allows greater independence over corporations controlling Internet access and public clouds.

Our offer is a unique opportunity for any broadcaster or program producer to reach any country without barriers, using Shortwave radio, Satellite, TV, AM or Medium Wave radio and Internet streaming in any possible combination.

The power of International media: Know your audience

International broadcasting is like advertising: everybody agrees it works, but it isn’t easy to quantify. The world’s largest broadcasting organisations have been deeply involved in audience research, costing vast money.

Even the largest International broadcasters cannot accurately estimate the size of their audience for any program they air with the same or even a comparable level of accuracy as an FM or TV station can do for any particular market.

How many listeners do we reach daily?

Since 1979, NEXUS-IBA founders have been working with worldwide Radio & TV Ministries, the BBC, the United Nations, UNESCO, other prominent International broadcasters and media, and those involved in Audience and International Media Research.

NEXUS-IBA International media content delivery around the world

Global media content delivery via NEXUS-IBA

Only the most prominent organisations like the BBC or the Voice of America can afford the cost of conducting some audience research on Shortwave. However, some empirical data exists on the number of Shortwave receivers in each country, which lead to a potential audience of more than ten million in Europe and about the same in North Africa and the Middle East. We can cover these regions with a Grade-A signal using a 50 to 150 kW service on Shortwave. Other areas in Asia/Pacific or the Americas can be best covered using up to 300 kW. Most of the time, we know that people listen because we monitor our signal quality continuously in several countries and because listeners write to our members, our program producers and us.

International Radio Audience Research

Graham Mytton, former Head of Audience Research of the BBC, stated:

People will go through the trouble of listening to shortwave, even when reception is difficult, if it provides something that they otherwise cannot get.

According to our experience, if your program has an impact and is not available on local TV or FM & AM radio, people will tune into your schedule to listen to it. Someone calls it word-of-mouth propagation, and for this reason and our long-standing experience, we are well known among Shortwave listeners worldwide for our high-quality radio relay services at nonprofit cost.

Radio Marketing: How to promote your radio program

Most of our World Radio broadcasters and program producers do fantastic work advertising their broadcasts among their churches or community members overseas. Once they know that we provide an excellent signal in the target area, they tune and may call other people to listen, in a snowballing effect.

You have to consider doing this when you start airing, i.e., using your existing contacts and email or messaging them to spread the news about your broadcasts’ time, frequency, and area.

We can provide help to people tuning in, and we can offer you advise and marketing tools, but we cannot often go as far as keeping you connected with the audience of your program. So you should consider this as part of your mission as an International Broadcaster!

Global Media Outreach: How can you reach the whole world

For all the satellite radio and TV talk, Shortwave radio remains the most cost-effective electronic mass medium that can instantly span enormous distances and penetrate every home in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific. Also, Shortwave radio is portable and is a companion wherever one goes. It is indeed the world’s most mobile electronic mass medium. Modern Shortwave receivers are ultra-compact, inexpensive, and very easy to use.

Any program aired on Shortwave and AM/Medium Wave is also carried over our 24/7 streaming channels. So anyone who is connected to the Internet can also listen to your program using a phone, tablet, a PC or Internet radio device.

On Satellite, we can distribute your radio and TV signal via satellites worldwide. In addition, beyond the digital divide, we complement our services with simultaneous audio (radio) streaming wherever the Internet is available.

We can build your own radio station

Milano Ventures and NEXUS will create your virtual radio station on Shortwave, AM/Medium Wave, or online, often with a dedicated frequency you air for more than 60 minutes per day.

We can help you create your dedicated audio channels or your streaming radio station from scratch, including a visual player hosted on your website. Your streaming radio station can be based on your content, music, news, and live events. And once you have a live 24/7 channel over the Internet, we can also take it all or just a few hours on our WorldWide radio stations and broadcast it live on Shortwave and/or AM/Medium Wave to Europe or on Shortwave to Africa, Asia, North or South America.

We can also help locate and integrate news, information and additional material into your schedule to create a loyal audience. Typical applications include in-store radio, Church or Christian radio, group or interest-based radio, news radio services, music, political, foreign or vernacular language service.Build your own radio or TV station

Marketing, SEO and lead generation

Milano Ventures and NEXUS also help your organisation create a modern communication strategy, i.e., creating real opportunities to impact innovative services, such as marketing automation, fundraising, lead generation, on-demand marketing, online presence, and social media management. In addition, NEXUS-IBA and Milano Ventures help secular and Christian organisations increase fundraising opportunities and fund their mission and outreach ministries.

marketing, SEO and lead generation fro your company or organisation

Continuous innovation and research in new technologies

With the help of Milano Ventures, the NEXUS association strengthens its position as Innovator and Technology Mediator or facilitator. We enable NEXUS-IBA’s members worldwide and end-users to make full use of innovation and recent technology developments in media, including broadcasting, social media, and the Internet.

Innovation in new technologies

NEXUS-IBA (nonprofit) volunteers

People volunteering for NEXUS-IBA are professionals, teachers, university professors and researchers, journalists, students, and engineers. Most of them devote their spare time and resources to public service to the global community.

On June 15, 1995, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association was officially approved for association with the Department of Public Information (now: the Department of Global Communication) of the United Nations. For more than 20 years, NEXUS-IBA has been actively promoting the work and activities of both the UN and UNESCO. Researchers at NEXUS-IBA created the first load-balanced cloud and Content Delivery Network (CDN) called WorldDirector, later used by Milano Ventures and their clients in Europe and the USA.

our volunteers

Innovation in the Cloud

Most Internet and cloud-related services and applications are delivered to end-users fast and reliably over the WorldDirector platform, including streaming audio and video services on behalf of our stations and members.

Innovaton in the cloud and internet

About the NEXUS-IBA term

The NEXUS term was chosen because this Latin word says it all: a link or point of connection, using international media, radio, TV and cloud services to link content providers with their audiences.

But NEXUS also stands for more than just a physical connection using various technologies. It also means World communication and promoting freedom of speech around the world. When an individual or an organisation becomes part of NEXUS-IBA, they are part of a dynamic, highly professional and creative team devoted to utilising the latest technologies to deliver their content at the lowest possible cost.

NEXUS-IBA team: the cultural radio link

Milano Ventures (Dublin, Ireland) is proud to be selected NEXUS-IBA’s partner to service their membership and commercial clients, service and and maintain their cloud and broadcasting infrastructure across all continents.

From Dublin, Ireland, Milano Ventures Ltd. offers content media delivery services worldwide both to NEXUS-IBA’s members and commercial clients. Services offered by Milano Ventures include: international broadcasting, disaster recovery, professional e-mail, software and application development, domain registration, web marketing & SEO, high reliability WorldDirector cloud hosting and related consulting services.

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (NEXUS-IBA, Milan, Italy) is a non-profit association founded in 1990. NEXUS-IBA provides its membership all necessary means for the effective dissemination of content on radio, TV, the Internet and any media in general. NEXUS-IBA reaches every country in the world. Radio and TV broadcasters, as well as small program producers from all-over the world make use of NEXUS-IBA’s Internet media streaming & distribution, radio, TV and satellite broadcasting services to reach audiences worldwide.

Milano Ventures, Dublin, Ireland

United Nations radio archives

United Nations radio archives

United Nations Radio Archives at IRN

These audio files are part of the first RealAudio tests on United Nations Radio at Internet Radio NEXUS dating back in 1995, also broadcasted as part of our weekend schedule on IRRS-Shortwave from Milan, to Europe and North Africa. In the 1990’s these programs, not available elsewhere in our target area, represented the only first-hand information about the United Nations available in Europe.

Most of the short news items that you can here below, including the reports from the former Yugoslavia, were transmitted each Friday night via telephone from New York, Zagreb and Geneva, and then aired on Shortwave during the weekend to Europe and North Africa.

You will notice the low audio quality (mostly 8 kHz) used at the beginning of the Internet in the 1990’s when most people were connected using 9.6 or 14.4 kbps modems.

NEXUS-IBA pioneered the use of audio streaming technologies as one of the first beta-testers of the first audio streaming technology called RealAudio.

The old files in RealAudio (.ra) format have been converted to MP3 and preserve the original poor sound quality which was just suitable for transmitting voice information. They are kept online for historical reasons only and may have no actual value.

UN Radio 4th World Conference on Women (September 1995, Beijing, China)

4th World Conference on Women (Beijing, China) opening cerimony

4th World Conference on Women (Beijing, China) Report for Sept. 4, 1995 [06:20]

4th World Conference on Women (Beijing, China) Report for Sept. 5, 1995 [04:25] (bad line)

4th World Conference on Women (Beijing, China) Report for Sept. 6, 1995 [03:24] (bad line)

UN Radio weekly reports from the former Yugoslavia via IRRS-Shortwave (May 1995-Nov. 1995)

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 19 May 1995 [05:13]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 26 May 1995 [04:26]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 2 June 1995 [04:43]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 9 June 1995 [05:15]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 16 June 1995 [04:55]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 23 June 1995 [04:46]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 30 June 1995 [04:46]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 7 July 1995 [04:53]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 1 Sept. 1995 [05:27]

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 20 Oct. 1995

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 27 Oct. 1995

UN Radio Report from the former Yugoslavia, 3 Nov. 1995

UN Radio The World in Review (June 1995-Sept. 1995)

The World in Review, 9 June 1995 [14:31]

The World in Review, 16 June 1995 [14:13]

The World in Review, 23 June 1995 [14:09]

The World in Review, 30 June 1995 [14:23]

The World in Review, 1 Sept 1995 [14:20]

UN Radio Perspectives Internationales (French, June 1995-Oct. 1995)

Perspectives Internationales, UN 50th Anniversary no. 95/23 [14:06]

Perspectives Internationales, 23 June 1995 [14:13]

Perspectives Internationales, 30 June 1995 [15:01]

Perspectives Internationales, 1 Sept 1995 [14:50]

Perspectives Internationales, 20 Oct. 1995

Perspectives Internationales, 3 Nov. 1995

UNEP and PRB archives

UNEP and PRB archives

UNEP logo

UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme ) and PRB (Population Reference Bureau) archives

These transmissions from UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme ) and PRB (Population Reference Bureau) are part of the first RealAudio tests at Internet Radio NEXUS dating back to 1995. They are kept online for historical reasons only and may have no actuality value. Due to recent cuts in our budget, we are unable to bring you these news items on a regular basis as much as we would like to do. Please consider becoming a NEXUS-IBA sponsor.

Please notice that we preserved the original 1995 quality of RealAudio streams at 8 kbps(mono), which, at that time, was the maximum permittable bandwidth for the existing internet connections.

The Global 500 Challenge, Story # 1: Andrew D. Holleman (Mass, USA) [02:15]


The Global 500 Challenge, Story # 2: Chandi Prasad Bhatt (India) [02:26]


The Global 500 Challenge, Story # 3: Francisco "Chico" Mendez (Brazil) [02:17]


The Global 500 Challenge, Story # 4: Michael Werickhe (Kenya) [02:33]


The Global 500 Challenge, Story # 5: [01:27]


The Global 500 Challenge, Story # 6: [01:34]


United Nations radio archives

NEXUS-IBA officially approved for association with the UN/DPI

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association has been officially approved for association with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations

On June 15, 1995, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association has been officially approved for association with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. This formal act recognizes the important role of our Non Profit, Non Governamental Organization (NGO), and the efforts of our members and volunteers in providing information on the activities of the United Nations to millions of people around the world since 1979.

The United Nations and UNESCO have been associated as ordinary members of NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association since 1990.

The original text of UN DPI’s Press Release dated June 22, 1995 follows:

22 June 1995


The Department of Public Information (DPI) Committee on Non-Governmental
Organizations met on 15 June and approved the association with the
Department of 38 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from 16 countries.

The NGOs newly associated with DPI come from the following countries: 15
from the United States; three each from Argentina and the Russian
Federation; two each from Italy, Japan, Spain, and Venezuela; and one each
from Australia, Cameroon, Colombia, France, Germany, Kuwait, Slovakia,
Sweden, and Switzerland.

Those organizations are: the Arab Towns Organization (Kuwait);
Asociacion de Promocion de la Educacion Popular (Venezuela); Camara de
Comercio, Industria y Produccion de la Republica Argentina (Argentina);
Child Welfare League of America, Inc. (United States); Children of the
Earth (United States); Comite Francais des Organisations Non-
Gouvernementales pour la Liaison et l'Information des Nations Unies
(France); Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (United States);
Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas (United States); Federation
des Associations Feminines du Cameroun (Cameroon); Foundation Ecology and
Life (Slovakia); Friends of UNESCO - Basque Country (Spain); Fundacion Casa
de la Cultura, el Arte y la Ciencia (Colombia); Fundacion Habitat
(Argentina); Global Alliance for Women's Health (United States); Globetree
Foundation (Sweden); International Union of Economists (Russian
Federation); International Association of Women Judges (United States); and
the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global
Responsibility (Germany).

Also, Liga de Amas de Casa, Consumidores y Usuarios de la Republica
Argentina (Argentina); MAP International (United States); Mega Cities
Project, Inc. (United States); Movimondo (Italy); NAFSA: Association of
International Educators (United States); National Cultures Centre (Russian
Federation); National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic
Council (Australia);

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (Italy);

No to Alcoholism and Narcotics (Russian Federation); Osaka Junior Chamber,
Inc. (Japan); Rainforest Alliance (United States); Sociedad de Estudios
Internacionales (Spain); Solar Cookers International (United States);
Universal Great Brotherhood (Venezuela); Well-Aging Association of
Japan (Japan); Wellstart International (United States); Wittenberg
Center for Alternative Resources (United States); Women's World Summit
Foundation (Switzerland); Women's Action for New Directions (United
States); and the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (United

The above organizations have effective means of information dissemination
to their constituents and, as part of their association with DPI, have
agreed to help build public understanding of and support for United Nations
programmes and goals. Since 1968, the number of NGOs associated with DPI
has increased from 204 to 1,460.

Organizations eligible for association with DPI are those which share the
ideals of the United Nations Charter; operate solely on a not-for-profit
basis; have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and proven
ability to reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media
representatives, policy makers and the business community; have the
commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about
United Nations activities through publication of newsletters, bulletins,
backgrounders and pamphlets, organization of conferences, seminars and
round tables, and enlisting the cooperation of print and broadcast media.

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law and entirely operated by volunteers that operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1990, makes available broadcast time to members and non members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting.

For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 07:00 to 22:00 Central European Time (CET). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language.

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39- 02-266-6971
fax: +39-02-706-38-151


United Nations radio archives

UN Radio news on ex-Yugoslavia

United Nations radio via IRRS-Shortwave

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news on the current situation in the ex- Yugoslavia

Milano, Italy – 18 June, 1993: The latest news from the United Nations on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia are being heard now every week on IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave), with comprehensive coverage of the entire European Continent, North Africa, Middle East, and reception extended to the farthest regions of the world during the 02:00-03:00 UTC transmission.

Additionally, from 14 June to 25 June, 1993, IRRS-Shortwave will also provide daily UN Radio coverage of the meetings of the World Conference on Human Rights, in Vienna, Austria, with reports in English, French and Russian.

Other regular United Nations Radio programmes may be heard via IRRS- Shortwave from Milano daily in English from 09:30 Central European Time, and every Sunday in English, French, Spanish and Russian at various times, including the latest news on major developments at the UN Headquarters, and in other regions of the wprld (e.g. Somalia).

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law which operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1991, makes available broadcast time at cost to members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting. United Nations Radio is one of the members of NEXUS- International Broadcasting Association. In addition to the UN, membership also includes to date UNESCO, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Deutsche Welle, Pan American Broadcasting Company, and a number of private individuals.

For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 02-03 UTC, 07:00 to 10:00 Central European Time (CET), and from 18:00 to 22:00 CET; (07:00 to 23:30 CET on Sat and Sun). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language from the BBC and Deutsche Welle (*).

(*) Deutsche Welle is no more a member of NEXUS-IBA as of Jan. 1, 1994.

Special Reports on Yugoslavia:

Weekly UN RADIO reports via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave

Day UTC (summer) Central European Time

Saturday: 17:00, 19:15 19:00, 21:15
Sunday: 06:00, 08:00, 16:00 08:00, 10:00, 18:00
17:00, 19:00, 20:00 19:00, 21:00, 22:00
Monday: 04:00 02:00 (to Americas & E Europe)
07:30, 12:30 09:30, 14:30

World Conference on Human Rights, June 14-25 in Vienna:
Daily UN RADIO news via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave

Day UTC (summer) Central European Time

Daily: 02:00 04:00 (Russian)
02:30 04:30 (English, French)
05:00 07:00 (French, English)
06:00 08:00 (English, French)
07:00 09:00 (Russian, English, French)
17:00 19:00 (English, French)

UN Radio news coverage of the activities of the organization may be heard in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and in the Americas with first hand reports from UN Headquarters in New York,via IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave).


NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02 2666971

NEXUS-IBA, the Home of International Broadcasting on AM and Shortwave