NEXUS-IBA awarded large contract under the European Union's 5th Framework Program (DEMOS)

NEXUS-IBA awarded large contract under the European Union’s 5th Framework Program (Information Society Technologies, Key Action I.4.2, ‚On-line Support to Democratic Processes‘).

Milano, Italy, Sept. 1, 2000 —:  NEXUS-IBA has been awarded a large contract for the development of DEMOS (Delphi Mediation Online System), a web-based platform whose primary objective is to enable fruitful and constructive debate between citizens and politicians with the intention of facilitating and encouraging “online-democracy”. DEMOS is an international Research & Development project funded by the European Commission (IST-1999-20530). Partners in the DEMOS project come from a broad range of institutions and companies, all sharing a mutual interest in counteracting against the apparent disenchantment with politics, which has become a challenge for democracy.

NEXUS-IBA’s interest in DEMOS is also related to its use in large opinion polls and qualitative analysis in general, and we will be testing other possible uses in the following areas: consumer surveys, focus groups, media analysis, consulting, advertising research, market research for products and brands, customer satisfaction research, media research, and public opinion including political and corporate image surveys.

DEMOS may in several cases reduce significantly the cost of running any medium-large scale survey on a rather large group of population. The DEMOS software and methodology itself, in fact, will be able to reach very high-quality results due to the continuous refinement of results.

For more information also visit the DEMOS project web site at:

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a non-profit association founded in 1988. Our aims are to provide all necessary means at our disposal for the dissemination of content on radio and the Internet. 

Today the association is re-focusing as a technology mediator or facilitator, to enable end-users to make full use of the recent developments of technology, media and the Internet. To fulfill its aims NEXUS-IBA also offers several services as an International Internet Service Provider, and is involved in  training programs aimed to teachers and parents on the role of emerging technologies. People working for NEXUS-IBA are professionals, teachers, professors, journalists, students and engineers devoting their spare time and resources as a public service to the global community. 

On June 15, 1995, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association was officially approved for association with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. 

NEXUS-IBA created and maintains a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in Europe and the USA created with an internally developed technology called “WorldDirector”, where several Internet related services and applications are delivered to end users, including streaming audio and video. 

In 2001 NEXUS-IBA created a commercial spin-off (WORNEX International S.r.l., that is currently marketing the WorldDirector technology and services worldwide.


See also:


NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02-2666971

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI free airtime in Dec. 1996

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI free airtime in Dec. 1996

NEXUS-IBA and Radio Miami International WRMI press release

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association and WRMI (Radio Miami International) to offer free airtime during December 1996

Miami, Florida and Milano, Italy – 10 October, 1996 : Shortwave stations WRMI in Miami, Florida and IRRS in Milan, Italy will be offering free airtime during the month of December, 1996 to producers of cultural and educational radio programming.The two stations launched an initiative called “International Public Access Radio” (IPAR) in May of this year, offering airtime at a rate of US$1.00 per minute to cultural and educational programs in an effort to give these types of organizations more access to the international airwaves.

During December, 1996, IRRS-Shortwave and WRMI will be offering airtime to new IPAR clients completely free of charge. Those programmers who wish to continue after the free trial period will be able to do so at the special IPAR rate of US$1.00 per minute on each station.

“Governments and large religious organizations have long had access to high-powered international shortwave stations to spread their messages around the world,” said WRMI General Manager Jeff White in announcing the December promotion. “What we want to do — since we are both privately-owned stations — is give that same access to smaller, independent groups and organizations which may not have big budgets, but they may still have an important message they want to tell the world.”

WRMI (Radio Miami International) transmits to the Americas on 9,955 kHz, and IRRS-Shortwave broadcasts to Europe and North Africa on three different frequencies in the 41 and 75 meter bands shortwave, depending on the time of day.

Persons or organizations who would like to take advantage of the International Public Access Radio free airtime offer during the month of December 1996 on either or both stations may contact them via E-mail at : or as follows:

In Europe :
NEXUS-Int’l Broadcasting Association,
Telephone : +39-02-266-6971
E-mail :


In the Americas :
Radio Miami International,
P.O. Box 526852,
Miami, Florida 33152,
Fax +1-305-267-9253
Telephone +1-305-267-1728
E-mail :

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI free airtime in Dec. 1996

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI promote access to small radio program producers

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI on International Public Access Radio

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association and WRMI (Radio Miami International) signed today an agreement to provide small cultural radio program producers access to radio audiences in the Americas, Europe and North Africa, and encourage listener-supported international radio

Milano, Italy – 26 April, 1996 : Representatives of Radio Miami International and NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association met in Milano, Italy, today to sign an agreement that will favour “international public access radio” on Shortwave.

The two organizations agreed to join forces to create a system of “international public access radio” whereby small producers of cultural radio programs can have the same access to international airwaves that large governments, political and religious organizations already have. Presently, most international Shortwave radio stations are owned by governments and large religious organizations who generally do not support the concept of private or individual radio broadcasting, and do not allow such organizations to purchase airtime on their facilities.

In the United States, the concept of “public access” broadcasting has existed for quite some time. Small independent program producers may broadcast their material on different stations at little or no cost, but this has generally been limited to local cable television stations. However, the concept has never been taken to the level of a national or international radio station, and nothing on this scale has ever existed in Europe.

Representatives of the two organizations stated that this new concept should be attractive to clubs, cultural associations, free radio producers and even individuals in many countries who have a message for the world. For the first time, these types of small program producers will have access to the same wide-reaching media used by the most influential governmental and religious broadcasters around the world.

Shortwave radio has been used for six decades by mostly governments to broadcast political messages. Despite the advent of satellites, cable and Internet, Shortwave radio continues to maintain a large and faithful audience around the world as new, compact, sophisticated receivers have come onto the marketplace at prices everyone can afford. For just the cost of a small portable receiver, listeners can get first-hand information on world events, lifestyles in different countries, as well as music and entertainment from almost anyplace on earth. And unlike some of the newer technologies, there are no subscription fees, encoded programs and bulky equipment to deal with.

NEXUS-IBA is a non profit organization which operates IRRS-Shortwave, a radio station in Milan, Italy, covering all of Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa on Shortwave. Radio Miami International operates station WRMI in Miami, Florida, which reaches North and South America and the Caribbean. By means of this new joint venture, virtually anyone can afford to have a program on international airwaves at a cost of only one U.S. dollar per minute. At this cost, small cultural program producers will be entitled to the use of both stations, thus reaching a potential audience of millions of listeners.

Producers who wish to obtain more information about the new international public access radio provided jointly by NEXUS-IBA and WRMI may contact via E-mail at : or:

In Europe :
NEXUS-Int’l Broadcasting Association,
Fax : +39-02-706-38151
Telephone : +39-02-266-6971
E-mail :


In the Americas :
Radio Miami International,
P.O. Box 526852,
Miami, Florida 33152, USA.
Fax +1-305-267-9253
Telephone +1-305-267-1728
E-mail :

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI free airtime in Dec. 1996

SWR Switzerland on IRRS-Shortwave

Free radio programmers' association "SWR Switzerland" start airing via IRRS-Shortwave every Saturday afternoon

Milano, Italy — 5 February, 1994: Short Wave Radio Switzerland (SWR) inaugurated today at 13 hrs Central European Time (12 UTC) their first relay broadcast via IRRS-Shortwave, featuring a one hour International Music Radio’s (IMR) – Voice of Basel transmission.

SWR plans to continue their transmissions during 1994 with two one- hour transmissions at 13 CET every month (repeated every second and fourth Saturday at the same time). SWR broadcasts will feature more of free radio programs reviously heard only through pirate radio stations throughout the world. Short Wave Radio Switzerland is a non profit association founded in 1993 by enthusiastic Shortwave DX-ers, whose basic aim is to encourage free radio programming on Shortwave, and help small radio programmers to air through official, high power, legal stations.

Welcoming the new member SWR-Switzerland, the president of NEXUS-IBA stated: “We are aware that not all of these programs are strictly professional programs like most of those relayed by IRRS-Shortwave, but we will try the best we can to help the most valuable producers to emerge, and, if possible, even try to get proper financing and sponsorship for them to continue. We have received clear indications also from our own listeners that an audience exists also for such productions, and we have missed the appointment until now, as every other major international broadcaster. NEXUS-IBA’s charter contains explicit indications on how to offer our services to special value and minority programmers: we want to continue to be a real international community radio, which maintains a very tight and personal relation with all European listeners, and this is a splendid opportunity for us to fulfill our aims.”

NEXUS-IBA has offered SWR Switzerland their lowest rates and a dedicated segment as an encouragement to so called underground free radio or pirate radio productions to emerge by means of a legal and powerful media. In relaying these programs, NEXUS-IBA does not directly or indirectly endorse the principle or right of free-radio producers to air via unregulated, unlicensed media (pirate radio), but, on the contrary, intends to offer IRRS-Shortwave as a legal media and an excellent arena to be heard and judged for the value of their productions. Professional consulting will also be available to free radio producers as to all NEXUS-IBA program producers to help them improving the quality of their programs.

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law that operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1991, makes available broadcast time at cost to members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting.

For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 07:00 to 22:00 Central European Time (CET). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language.

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02-266 69 71
fax: +39-02-706 38 151


PO Box 35,
CH-6027 Romerswil, Switzerland.

UN Radio news on ex-Yugoslavia

UN Radio news on ex-Yugoslavia

United Nations radio via IRRS-Shortwave

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news on the current situation in the ex- Yugoslavia

Milano, Italy – 18 June, 1993: The latest news from the United Nations on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia are being heard now every week on IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave), with comprehensive coverage of the entire European Continent, North Africa, Middle East, and reception extended to the farthest regions of the world during the 02:00-03:00 UTC transmission.

Additionally, from 14 June to 25 June, 1993, IRRS-Shortwave will also provide daily UN Radio coverage of the meetings of the World Conference on Human Rights, in Vienna, Austria, with reports in English, French and Russian.

Other regular United Nations Radio programmes may be heard via IRRS- Shortwave from Milano daily in English from 09:30 Central European Time, and every Sunday in English, French, Spanish and Russian at various times, including the latest news on major developments at the UN Headquarters, and in other regions of the wprld (e.g. Somalia).

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law which operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1991, makes available broadcast time at cost to members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting. United Nations Radio is one of the members of NEXUS- International Broadcasting Association. In addition to the UN, membership also includes to date UNESCO, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Deutsche Welle, Pan American Broadcasting Company, and a number of private individuals.

For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 02-03 UTC, 07:00 to 10:00 Central European Time (CET), and from 18:00 to 22:00 CET; (07:00 to 23:30 CET on Sat and Sun). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language from the BBC and Deutsche Welle (*).

(*) Deutsche Welle is no more a member of NEXUS-IBA as of Jan. 1, 1994.

Special Reports on Yugoslavia:

Weekly UN RADIO reports via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave

Day UTC (summer) Central European Time

Saturday: 17:00, 19:15 19:00, 21:15
Sunday: 06:00, 08:00, 16:00 08:00, 10:00, 18:00
17:00, 19:00, 20:00 19:00, 21:00, 22:00
Monday: 04:00 02:00 (to Americas & E Europe)
07:30, 12:30 09:30, 14:30

World Conference on Human Rights, June 14-25 in Vienna:
Daily UN RADIO news via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave

Day UTC (summer) Central European Time

Daily: 02:00 04:00 (Russian)
02:30 04:30 (English, French)
05:00 07:00 (French, English)
06:00 08:00 (English, French)
07:00 09:00 (Russian, English, French)
17:00 19:00 (English, French)

UN Radio news coverage of the activities of the organization may be heard in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and in the Americas with first hand reports from UN Headquarters in New York,via IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave).


NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02 2666971

NEXUS-IBA and WRMI free airtime in Dec. 1996

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news  on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia

UN Radio news coverage of the activities of the organization may be heard in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and in the Americas with first hand reports from UN Headquarters in New York,via IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave).

Milano, Italy – 18 June, 1993: The latest news from the United Nations on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia are being heard now every week on IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave), with comprehensive coverage of the entire European Continent, North Africa, Middle East, and reception extended to the farthest regions of the world during the 02:00-03:00 UTC transmission.

Additionally, from 14 June to 25 June, 1993, IRRS-Shortwave will also provide daily UN Radio coverage of the meetings of the World Conference on Human Rights, in Vienna, Austria, with reports in English, French and Russian.

Other regular United Nations Radio programmes may be heard via IRRS- Shortwave from Milano daily in English from 09:30 Central European Time, and every Sunday in English, French, Spanish and Russian at various times, including the latest news on major developments at the UN Headquarters, and in other regions of the wprld (e.g. Somalia).

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law which operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1991, makes available broadcast time at cost to members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting. United Nations Radio is one of the members of NEXUS- International Broadcasting Association. In addition to the UN, membership also includes to date UNESCO, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Deutsche Welle, Pan American Broadcasting Company, and a number of private individuals.

For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 02-03 UTC, 07:00 to 10:00 Central European Time (CET), and from 18:00 to 22:00 CET; (07:00 to 23:30 CET on Sat and Sun). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language from the BBC and Deutsche Welle (*).

(*) Deutsche Welle is no more a member of NEXUS-IBA as of Jan. 1, 1994.

Special Reports on Yugoslavia: Weekly UN RADIO reports via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave

Day UTC (summer) Central European Time

Saturday: 17:00, 19:15 19:00, 21:15
Sunday: 06:00, 08:00, 16:00 08:00, 10:00, 18:00
17:00, 19:00, 20:00 19:00, 21:00, 22:00
Monday: 04:00 02:00 (to Americas & E Europe)
07:30, 12:30 09:30, 14:30

World Conference on Human Rights, June 14-25 in Vienna:
Daily UN RADIO news via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave

Day UTC (summer) Central European Time

Daily: 02:00 04:00 (Russian)
02:30 04:30 (English, French)
05:00 07:00 (French, English)
06:00 08:00 (English, French)
07:00 09:00 (Russian, English, French)
17:00 19:00 (English, French)


NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02 2666971
fax:+39-02-706 38 151

NEXUS-IBA, the Home of International Broadcasting on AM and Shortwave