NEXUS-IBA needs your help and support. Donate to Humanitarian Radio broadcasting in Ukraine and all war zones.
Support us to increase our international broadcasting coverage of Ukraine and conflict zones worldwide.
To keep up with the ever-increasingly tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, we have extended our news coverage of the invasion and occupation of parts of the country. As a result, we have added extra hours to broadcast high power signals to areas affected by the conflict in Ukraine to inform as many people as possible.
Support fair and balanced news coverage of conflict zones in Ukraine
Thousands of people in Ukraine have been forced to take refuge in basements (March 2022) or are trying to flee the country. It is now more important than ever to inform, educate and inspire listeners with Free Speech, balanced and independent news coverage, as well as provide inspiration and compassion to those under siege or heavy bombardments.
The current war severely affected media inside Ukraine and Russia, information either censored or limited by damages to the telecom and press infrastructures. For example, we are now hearing that foreign media like the BBC or CNN, and YouTube have been blocked in Russia. In addition, there are limits to the public from accessing information online.
Donate now!
Your gift will go directly to fund NEXUS-IBA International Broadcasting services and renowned programming. You can help support fair and balanced news coverage of the invasion and war in Ukraine by making a donation to NEXUS-IBA today.
We need your help to make these vital programs available via International AM or Medium Wave Radio, on Shortwave in the conflict zones – and to anyone worldwide via streaming – so that more people have access to a truly independent source of journalism.
Become a financial supporter now and help NEXUS-IBA defend the truth in highly hostile environments, reach millions of people with timely and trusted news from the region, and grow our broadcast and digital coverage of the stories that matter most. Every Euro and Dollar you give helps us deliver accurate and objective news into Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Iran, Iraq and Syria.
How you can support us
You can really make a difference in the world by donating below! Donate now and support free speech independent journalism.
We welcome donations of any size, large or small! The NEXUS-IBA International Radio Network is 100% operated by volunteers, and none of the financial contributions that we receive goes into paychecks or other profits. Instead, your donations will go directly into the airtime of transmitters, electricity, software and hardware to keep our network up and running for the benefit of our international community.
With your donation today, you help us raise the power of our transmitter to enlarge our day and nighttime coverage of conflict zones and the length of our current broadcast. Your financial donation also helps us provide airtime to those with a message but no financial resources to cover the cost of airtime in reaching their target audience with news, feature programs, and inspirational Christian programs.
Donating to NEXUS-IBA helps keep our international radio broadcasting project alive and sustainable. By donating to our international media organisation, you’ll help support the delivery and availability of all of our programs now and in the future. In addition, your contributions will be used to create independent and engaging global coverage, whichever you choose.
If you cannot contribute financially, your emails, comments and reception reports are welcome and helpful to our program producers.