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Donate to support our nonprofit mission in International Broadcasting
Support NEXUS-IBA in broadcasting accurate, balanced and truthful news and information in Ukraine
Amidst the turmoil of war and occupation, there is a profound need to bring balanced news and information, as well as empathy and hope to Ukraine and all conflict zones worldwide. This is part of our mission to be a “nexus” (a link) to help anyone deliver content to any troubled country worldwide.
Empower Lives in Ukraine with Unbiased News!
Join us in a transformative project that harnesses the power of international radio broadcasting to ignite change and uplift communities in need.
Led by NEXUS-IBA, this initiative aims to expand our coverage using AM (Medium Wave) and Shortwave radio frequencies. By extending our reach and overcoming disruptions in local AM and FM radio caused by the conflict, we can deliver vital information in Ukraine to those affected.
Support our mission for fair and balanced news. Donate today
Your support will help inform, educate, and inspire listeners in Ukraine and in the war zones, providing a lifeline of compassion, unbiased reporting, and independent news coverage.
Help us spread unbiased journalism. Donate now!
Stand with us to make a lasting impact on displaced Ukrainian people, empowering the voiceless and shaping a future where understanding and solidarity thrive. Together, let’s broadcast empathy and hope, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow!
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