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Support NEXUS-IBA activities on media and broadcasting

Make a Difference: Support Global Broadcasting with NEXUS-IBA

Join our mission at NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association (NEXUS-IBA) to foster global communication through broadcasting and electronic media. Your support is pivotal in backing our diverse projects, ensuring every voice can reach every corner of the globe with balanced, fair news and information against censorship or government firewalls.

As a 100% volunteer-based organisation, NEXUS-IBA needs your donation and the help of dedicated volunteers who can work on our broadcasting and media-related projects. NEXUS-IBA provides the infrastructure for secular and non-denominational Christian media projects, with separate channels and unique information delivered to any country worldwide.

Ways to Donate to NEXUS-IBA Radio Projects via PayPal in Euros or USD

Contribute easily in USD or EUR via PayPalno account required. Whether a one-time or monthly contribution, your support is crucial to our mission.

Empowering Voices: Current Projects at NEXUS-IBA

  1. Bridging the Israel-Palestine Divide: A unique platform for voices from Israel and Palestine to share stories and foster peace. Learn more and support us!
  2. Broadcasting to Ukraine and Conflict Zones: Deliver unbiased news to areas affected by conflict, bringing hope where it’s most needed. Please support our efforts in supporting humanitarian crises with fair and balanced news and information globally;
  3. Radio Africa & Radio Europe: Delivering uncensored news and cultural content to African and European audiences;
  4. Christian Radio via EGR: a non-denominational Christian radio station as your gateway to global evangelisation.

And here is our Guide to Supporting NEXUS-IBA’s Mission

Donate in USD via Paypal
USD donation sharable link

Donate in EUR via Paypal
Donate to NEXUS-IBA and European Gospel Radio in EUR
EUR donation sharable link
Or you may also donate to in any currency via our Paypal direct donation link

Donate Bitcoins now!

You can use the address below to donate any amount in
Bitcoins from your wallet.NEXUS-IBA Bitcoin donation QR codeDonate to NEUXS-IBA bitcoin

Send only Bitcoins to this address.

Donate to our project: Bridging the Israel-Palestine Divide

In a world where the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to present profound challenges, there lies a unique opportunity to bridge gaps and heal wounds through the power of communication. Imagine a platform where voices from both sides of the divide can be heard, where stories and perspectives are shared, transcending the entrenched political and geographical barriers that have long hindered peace and understanding.

Support Broadcasting to Ukraine and the Conflict zones

In a world shaken by conflict, where war and occupation cast a long shadow over the lives of millions, the power of empathy and hope becomes more essential than ever, especially in Ukraine and similar conflict zones. This is the heart of a groundbreaking project led by NEXUS-IBA, dedicated to bringing unbiased, compassionate news to those who most need it.

When you donate to NEXUS-IBA or European Gospel Radio, please remember that your donation can make a difference in reaching displaced people in remote places around the world and help promote the free flow of information in the world, even if you cannot get a tax return. Thank you!

Donate Today: Easy Online Giving to NEXUS-IBA

Contribute easily in USD or EUR via PayPal – no account required. Whether it’s a one-time or monthly contribution, your support is crucial to our mission.

Choose Your Impact: NEXUS-IBA Project Sponsorship Opportunities

Select a project that resonates with you and make a targeted donation to impact that initiative directly. Your contribution goes now to the projects you care about most.

Your Contribution Counts: Why Supporting NEXUS-IBA Matters

Your support enables us to reach remote and underserved regions, overcoming the digital divide and bringing vital information to people in need. You help us maintain our global operations, provide fair and balanced information and cover the cost of our technical infrastructure.

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association people and volunteers

Join the NEXUS-IBA Mission: Be a Part of Global Change

Support our unique approach to free, unbiased media. Your donation promotes global understanding and free speech for NEXUS-IBA or specific projects like European Gospel Radio and International Public Access Radio.

Get Involved: Contact and Donation Information for NEXUS-IBA

For inquiries or to support specific projects, contact us. We value your interest and are eager to guide you on how you can make a difference.

Immediate Action: Secure Your Donation to NEXUS-IBA Now

Your support is invaluable. Each donation, big or small, empowers our mission and helps us continue our vital work.

Thank you for standing with us to promote free and fair media worldwide!



Donate now to support our Shortwave radio broadcasts to Europe, Africa and the Pacific



Donate in USD via Paypal
USD donation sharable link

Donate in EUR via Paypal
Donate to NEXUS-IBA and European Gospel Radio in EUR
EUR donation sharable link
Or you may also donate to in any currency via our Paypal direct donation link

Donate Bitcoins now!

You can use the address below to donate any amount in
Bitcoins from your wallet.NEXUS-IBA Bitcoin donation QR codeDonate to NEUXS-IBA bitcoin

Send only Bitcoins to this address.

NEXUS-IBA, the Home of International Broadcasting on AM and Shortwave