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IRRS-Shortwave, a service provided by NEXUS-IBA

IRRS Schedules

IRRS-Shortwave and IRRS-MediumWave are owned and operated on behalf of NEXUS-IBA. We are broadcasting on Shortwave and AM / Medium Wave from Europe to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, and streaming 24/7 over the Internet.

“IRRS” stands for the Italian Radio Relay Service, the original station name we have used since 1979. We currently broadcast IPAR (International Public Access Radio) programs.

“IRRS” also stands for Irish Radio Relay Service, a channel started in 2018 to broadcast original Irish radio content worldwide on Shortwave, Mediumwave, and streaming. Programs from the Irish Radio Relay Service about Ireland, Irish culture, and music are broadcast on Mediumwave and Shortwave and streamed regularly on our channels.

Our broadcasts on Shortwave can also be heard outside our designated target areas and be beamed on-demand to any region globally, including North and South America.

Daily, we air on IRRS-Shortwave from Europe using high-power transmitters from 150 to 300 kW and highly directional HF antennas, reaching worldwide. In addition, every evening from 19:00 CET until 23:10 CET, we air via IRRS-Medium Wave, currently on 1323 kHz, to Northern Italy, Southern and Central Europe (formerly on 594 kHz and 918 kHz in 2021 & early 2022). In Feb. 2022 and again in February 2023, we raised the power on 1323 kHz to improve reception in Northern Europe and to residents and refugees in the war zones in and around Ukraine and Russia. Some of our programs on Shortwave can also be heard in the conflict areas in the Middle East, in and around Palestine, Israel and Lebanon.

If you are a listener, please subscribe to our IRRS listener’s mailing list to stay updated with the latest frequency and program changes. This low-traffic list is intended to inform listeners of any significant change in our schedule.

If you are a broadcaster or content program producer, you may wish to subscribe to our IRRS Broadcaster’s mailing list to receive the latest updates on airtime availability, promotions, new services, news and advice on International broadcasting or new slots available on AM/Medium Wave (MW), Long Wave (LW), Shortwave (SW) and satellite broadcasts.

European Gospel Radio

IRRS-Shortwave also carries Christian radio programs for European Gospel Radio (EGR). European Gospel Radio programs are listed in our schedules on this website, and more information about European Gospel Radio is also available on our website.

For more details on Christian radio broadcasts, please check the European Gospel Radio website to learn about the EGR mission to help Christians preach the Bible and the Gospel to remote areas worldwide. With powerful transmitters by NEXUS-IBA, European Gospel Radio outreaches Christians and non-Christians without the Internet, where Missionaries are not allowed to travel or where Christian media is censored.

You may hear a selection of NEXUS-IBA members’ programs over our stations, secular and religious (non-denominational), hourly news, cultural topics, music and feature programs from around the world, available 24/7 via our streaming audio service. We currently operate two streaming channels:

  • IRN (Internet Radio NEXUS) simulcasts IRRS-Shortwave at the time of operation, as well as news, features, religious programs and music 24/7 in English
  • All Gospel Radio: a 24/7 channel dedicated to Christian programs, news, and Christian music 24/7 in English.

NEXUS-IBA & All Gospel Radio TV

NEXUS-IBA and All Gospel Radio are now on YouTube. Please visit the NEXUS-IBA YouTube channel for on-demand video content.

International Public Access Radio (IPAR)

International Public Access Radio (IPAR) is a service by NEXUS-IBA to small (non-religious) individual program producers and non-profit organisations worldwide. If you have a general interest program, you can join IPAR and broadcast your radio program or podcast to a broad European audience and beyond.

Latest frequency and program schedules

Here you can find links to today’s broadcast schedules on IRRS-Shortwave, AM / Medium Wave and live streaming 24/7:

For all broadcasts, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the addresses that you hear on the air or send us a reception report by email at  reports@nexus.org

Affiliated stations and general frequency information:

• EGR, European Gospel Radio
• IPAR, International Public Access Radio

Reception reports and QSL policy

We welcome your reception reports for our Shortwave, Mediumwave, and Longwave broadcasts. If the details of your reception are found to be correct, we will acknowledge your reception report with our e-QSL card. In addition to any technical information about our transmission, we would greatly appreciate comments on the content you have heard.

Please be patient while we process your QSL requests. We currently have more than 30 days of waiting time due to a lack of internal resources and the high submission volume. All reception reports are only accepted by filling out our Online QSL Request Form or email at reports (at) nexus (dot) org. Unfortunately, we can no longer accept reception reports sent to our street or our old PO Box address due to the high cost of manual processing and mailing. All QSLs are sent only by email (e-QSL).

Privacy note re. Listeners’ emails, letters and reception reports

NEXUS-IBA may send a copy of your letters, emails reception report to our broadcasts’ original programmer or supporter as an anonymised copy (without your full name, address and email) as stated in our Privacy Policy. In addition, excerpts from your corespendence or comments may be published on our website without mentioning your full name and address. This will also help passing on feedbacks to our producers and improve both the quality of the content and our technical facilities. If you are unhappy with this provision, please do not send us any correspondence, reception reports and do not request for a QSL card. Thank You.


NEXUS-IBA and IRRS-Shortwave World Radio schedules

NEXUS-IBA, the Home of International Broadcasting on AM and Shortwave