Free radio programmers' association "SWR Switzerland" start airing via IRRS-Shortwave every Saturday afternoon

Milano, Italy — 5 February, 1994: Short Wave Radio Switzerland (SWR) inaugurated today at 13 hrs Central European Time (12 UTC) their first relay broadcast via IRRS-Shortwave, featuring a one hour International Music Radio’s (IMR) – Voice of Basel transmission.

SWR plans to continue their transmissions during 1994 with two one- hour transmissions at 13 CET every month (repeated every second and fourth Saturday at the same time). SWR broadcasts will feature more of free radio programs reviously heard only through pirate radio stations throughout the world. Short Wave Radio Switzerland is a non profit association founded in 1993 by enthusiastic Shortwave DX-ers, whose basic aim is to encourage free radio programming on Shortwave, and help small radio programmers to air through official, high power, legal stations.

Welcoming the new member SWR-Switzerland, the president of NEXUS-IBA stated: “We are aware that not all of these programs are strictly professional programs like most of those relayed by IRRS-Shortwave, but we will try the best we can to help the most valuable producers to emerge, and, if possible, even try to get proper financing and sponsorship for them to continue. We have received clear indications also from our own listeners that an audience exists also for such productions, and we have missed the appointment until now, as every other major international broadcaster. NEXUS-IBA’s charter contains explicit indications on how to offer our services to special value and minority programmers: we want to continue to be a real international community radio, which maintains a very tight and personal relation with all European listeners, and this is a splendid opportunity for us to fulfill our aims.”

NEXUS-IBA has offered SWR Switzerland their lowest rates and a dedicated segment as an encouragement to so called underground free radio or pirate radio productions to emerge by means of a legal and powerful media. In relaying these programs, NEXUS-IBA does not directly or indirectly endorse the principle or right of free-radio producers to air via unregulated, unlicensed media (pirate radio), but, on the contrary, intends to offer IRRS-Shortwave as a legal media and an excellent arena to be heard and judged for the value of their productions. Professional consulting will also be available to free radio producers as to all NEXUS-IBA program producers to help them improving the quality of their programs.

With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law that operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1991, makes available broadcast time at cost to members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting.

For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 07:00 to 22:00 Central European Time (CET). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language.

NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02-266 69 71
fax: +39-02-706 38 151


PO Box 35,
CH-6027 Romerswil, Switzerland.

NEXUS-IBA, the Home of International Broadcasting on AM and Shortwave