NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia
NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association adds more United Nations Radio news on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia
UN Radio news coverage of the activities of the organization may be heard in Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and in the Americas with first hand reports from UN Headquarters in New York,via IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave).
Milano, Italy – 18 June, 1993: The latest news from the United Nations on the current situation in the ex-Yugoslavia are being heard now every week on IRRS-Shortwave from Milano, Italy, on 7,125 kHz (41 meter band, Shortwave), with comprehensive coverage of the entire European Continent, North Africa, Middle East, and reception extended to the farthest regions of the world during the 02:00-03:00 UTC transmission.
Additionally, from 14 June to 25 June, 1993, IRRS-Shortwave will also provide daily UN Radio coverage of the meetings of the World Conference on Human Rights, in Vienna, Austria, with reports in English, French and Russian.
Other regular United Nations Radio programmes may be heard via IRRS- Shortwave from Milano daily in English from 09:30 Central European Time, and every Sunday in English, French, Spanish and Russian at various times, including the latest news on major developments at the UN Headquarters, and in other regions of the wprld (e.g. Somalia).
With its seat in Milano, Italy, NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association is a strictly non-profit association founded under Italian Law which operates IRRS-Shortwave to Europe and IRRS-Globe Radio Milan on FM. NEXUS-IBA, which is designated as an independent “Community Broadcaster”, according to the Italian Broadcasting Law of 1991, makes available broadcast time at cost to members of the Association, with no commercial advertising on the air and, currently, with no corporate underwriting. United Nations Radio is one of the members of NEXUS- International Broadcasting Association. In addition to the UN, membership also includes to date UNESCO, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Deutsche Welle, Pan American Broadcasting Company, and a number of private individuals.
For a direct impression of the NEXUS-IBA / IRRS-Shortwave operation, you may tune in Europe to the Shortwave frequency 7,125 kHz (41 metre band) daily from 02-03 UTC, 07:00 to 10:00 Central European Time (CET), and from 18:00 to 22:00 CET; (07:00 to 23:30 CET on Sat and Sun). In Milano, Italy, NEXUS-IBA is on the air on 88.85 MHz FM with programming in the English language from the BBC and Deutsche Welle (*).
(*) Deutsche Welle is no more a member of NEXUS-IBA as of Jan. 1, 1994.
Special Reports on Yugoslavia: Weekly UN RADIO reports via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave
Day UTC (summer) Central European Time
Saturday: 17:00, 19:15 19:00, 21:15
Sunday: 06:00, 08:00, 16:00 08:00, 10:00, 18:00
17:00, 19:00, 20:00 19:00, 21:00, 22:00
Monday: 04:00 02:00 (to Americas & E Europe)
07:30, 12:30 09:30, 14:30
World Conference on Human Rights, June 14-25 in Vienna:
Daily UN RADIO news via IRRS-Shortwave to Europe on 7,125 kHz Shortwave
Day UTC (summer) Central European Time
Daily: 02:00 04:00 (Russian)
02:30 04:30 (English, French)
05:00 07:00 (French, English)
06:00 08:00 (English, French)
07:00 09:00 (Russian, English, French)
17:00 19:00 (English, French)
NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association,
phone: +39-02 2666971
fax:+39-02-706 38 151
email: info@nexus.org
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