From our mailbag: Internet Radio NEXUS (IRN) Listeners' comments

Here are some of our early Internet radio listeners’ comments, dating back in 1995, when we were the first to start such streaming service in Europe and the USA:

Date: Fri, 02 Jun 95 20:40:20 -0700 Subject: (no subject) Hey folks just wanted to drop a quick note telling you I enjoyed your web-page. cool stuff, and a bit easier that getting you on shortwave here in New York 😉 do you QSL for web contacts?? 😉 ( just joking 😉 Tnx again!

Date: Sat, 03 Jun 95 11:34:06 -0700 Subject: Realaudio in The Netherlands Hello, Thanks for being on realaudio, i had never heard of your radio-station and just a few minutes ago, saturday 03/06/95 11.15 am Dutch Time, i located you on the short wave 7.125. The quality at the moment is bad, but i could follow the discussions. What i very much like is the information about UN on realaudio. Good luck and regards, Hans.

Date: Sun, 04 Jun 95 04:08:45 0600 Subject: (no subject) Keep up the great work with the Real Time Audio. I will be stopping by often to check out your progress. This has to be the start of something very BIG. Thanks for being on the forefront of this new technology. Rees Roberts Racine, Wisconsin USA

Date: Wed, 07 Jun 95 22:26:52 -0700 Subject: internet radio I want to congratulate you for a very nice page with interesting programs. It’s very nice for Americans to be able to hear broadcasts in languages other than English. Reception in San Francisco, California, is excellent tonight, 7 June, 1995. I hope you stay on-line and increase your services and available European programs. ————————————————————– ruth …a tout a l’heure….

Date: Thu, 08 Jun 95 21:08:30 -700 Subject: Internet Audio Receiving your programs loud and clear over the Internet in San Jose, California. Hope you keep it up! Mick

Date: Sat, 10 Jun 1995 16:07:46 -0700 Subject: RA Audio News Reports Dear Sirs, I wish to express my compliments on the fine work your group has done with this Web site. As a student of Foreign Relations, I found the stored audio news reports very informative and useful in my attempt to manitain awareness of world current events. The almost constant availablity of this information through the Internet allows me to access the information needed to assist my academic activities. I hope that this Web site can continue to be maintained beyond its test period and I am looking forward to continued access to all posted information. Thank you Sean Fannin University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio – USA

Date: Thu, 08 Jun 95 21:08:30 -700 Subject: Internet Audio Receiving your programs loud and clear over the Internet in San Jose, California. Hope you keep it up! Mick

Date: Sun, 11 Jun 95 08:42:04 -0700 Subject: (no subject) Your programs in the Internet are the only way to receive such great programs here in California. Please continue your work in the Net. I liked the segments of “Hello There”. Good job!! — Eduardo Villaseca

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 17:50:13 -0700 Subject: I have listened Hi! My name is Per and I live in Stockholm Sweden. I’ve just been listening to some of your programs, here on the WWW. It works quite fine with the Real Audio. I’m a DXer and radio-fan, so please put more radio related programmes on the Web. Thanks. 73 de Per

Date: 13 Jun 1995 12:30:40 -0700 Subject: (no subject) Congratulations on your audio site. I’ve just been listening here in Cork (Ireland) and reception is excellent. The quality is basically equivalent to reasonable MW, better than typical SW, with only the occastional break or jump in the datastream.I can’t tell you much about the technical side of the connection here – my pc, which has its own IP address, is connected via a university VAX mainframe. Piaras Mac Einri Department of Geography University College Cork Ireland

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 00:47:10 +0200 Subject: internet radio Great idea and it’s even working! Please do go ahead! Greetings from Munich Rudolf Kuffner Bavarian Radio Broadcast, ARD

Date: Tue, 20 Jun 95 12:15:49 -0700 Subject: (no subject) I just wanted to write and say that I really enjoy your service. The Spanish language material is especially appreciated. Thanks Patrick Findlay

Date: Tue, 20 Jun 95 13:25:22 -700 Subject: thanks for providing the radio service Just wanted to thanks you for providing the real audio radio broadcasts. I really like being able to have access to non-American broadcasts/news. It is much more convenient to listen to real audio than to use a shortwave. Thanks.

Date: 22 Jun 1995 17:33:14 -0700 Subject: (no subject) Dear Sir/Madam, Further to my message last week from Cork (Ireland). Reception continues to be excellent – the quality would not be acceptable for anything except voice at present, but it is entirely adequate for this purpose. Curiously, I note that the quality is conistently better than the only other current European site, a UK newspaper, which is virtually inaudible as the sound continually “breaks up” and is not really comprehensible. I have no idea why reception from Italy should be so much better, when the packet-switching networks involved presumably work to comparable standards. I hope that you can continue to find a way to maintain your service, although I note that it is currently scheduled to stop in mid-July. It could provide a powerful means of countering much of the ill-informed and biased propaganda against the UN which has become so prevalent nowadays, especially in the United States of America. Having spent three years in a diplomatic posting in Lebanon and having seen at first hand the efforts of much-maligned UN forces on the ground, compared to the distorted media coverage which they often received, it is time for a more effective answering voice. Regards Piaras Mac Einri

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 95 16:53:12 -0100 Subject: Keep IRN in the net! Dear IRN, I¹m a listener from Hamburg, Germany, and I like your program best, looking around, what my be intersting and litening to your programm (I choose myself), when I can¹t stand the ²old³ radiostation in my hometown anymore ­ which happens quite often. I love “Radio on demand” as you do present it, and I hope, you¹ll survive the 15th of July best regards mic:­)


Date: Mon, 26 Jun 95 01:31:33 -0700 Subject: Internet Radio Nexus’s future As a long time shortwave listener and fairly new Internet surfer I really can appreciate the melding of the 2 mediums. Not long after I began exploring the web I realized just how similar it was to shortwave listening and felt it to be an extention of my interests in world culture outside my own back yard. I would encourage you to keep the site going as long as you are finacially able. I love RealAudio the possiblities it provides makes sites like yours very exciting ! I’ll be visiting this site often !

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 14:02:29 EDT Subject: Listening in Boston! Just a quick line to say that I don’t have a shortwave receiver, That means that your audio files — in any form — .au, .wav. .ram, etc — are of the greatest interest to me, I’ve already listened to several of your programmes and been very impressed with them all. Please keep up the good work, and if you can, PLEASE * do NOT * stop your Internet broadcasts in mid-July! 🙂 Thanks again! F Tikhon

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 20:29:00 -700 Subject: Feedback Very good initiative. When this idea develops and spread, it will bee a good effort to bring us together on the globe. We can keep in contact with our place of birth and language even if we move to other areas on the globe. Interested people can check in and ithers point if view. God Luck. /Christer

Date: Sun, 02 Jul 95 07:05:33 -0700 Subject: comments re your web site I thought I would put my oar in here and let the powers that be it would be a shame to let your wonderful service die! I believe that the concept of real time audio over the net is one of enormous possibilities. It is going to be tough for any firm that is pioneering this form of media, but the pay-offs would be tremendous. Just think of the power of reaching 10’s of MILLIONS of listeners. Regards, VBH

Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 23:13:04 -0700 Subject: Keep it alive Anna, I like the idea of REAL news here in the US. Its so hard to get a clean feed from the world news organizations with commercial and political fingers in all the pies. I’m not too keen on sending Money over the Internet, though. Can you give me a *real* address? Emil

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 95 22:40:27 0000 Subject: (no subject) Ho sentito, funziona tutto molto bene. Mi piacerebbe avere piu’ file in italiano da scoltare. Sara’ possibile in futuro avere un gateway in tempo reale delle trasmissioni che vanno sulla radio? Saluti, Carlo Maupoil

Date: Wed, 05 Jul 95 19:51:48 -0100 Subject: Please do stay… Hello, it’s terrible actually that you’re going to close down, but what can I do about it? I don’t have the cash to support you. I can only say that your experiment has indeed succeeded and that the work should definitely be continued. I love the extra news about ex-Yugoslavia because I’m involved in what’s going on because of my profession as a radiographer. So I really do hope that you are going to stay and keep doing what you have been doing until now. The implementation of ‘RealAudio’ is fabulous and of invaluable importance to the development and the future of the Internet and also to the way information will be provided and looked up. By the way, you’re the only European source of interesting RealAudio material and sincerely don’t want to listen to the American crap and ‘bull shit’ talk shows or whatever america-centric barbarity! Greetings from Amsterdam, Ronald

Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 12:04:24 -0400 Subject: feedback you are great! please, continue! I’m working with the Austrian Shortwave Radio & I really think that it is a big work that you are doing. Oswald Klotz

Date: Thu, 06 Jul 95 12:52:19 -0600 Subject: Stay on the “air”, Please! I found out about your site a little over a week ago. Since then I’ve been back at least 5 other times. You are one of the few sites that actually has something interesting to offer in RealAudio sound clips. I don’t have a shortwave receiver, so this connection is the only one I have to your station. Plus, as the technology develops for live broadcast of audio over the internet, maybe you could be on the forefront of that, too. I hope you can stay with us longer. Thanks.

Date: Thu, 06 Jul 95 14:36:06 -0700 Subject: internet radio Keep up the good job you are doing!!! great information and a great idea. I really like the site, and will tell my friends

Date: Fri, 07 Jul 95 11:34:12 -0700 Subject: feedback on internet radio This service is wonderful! Although I am not in the position to support you financially, I think your service deserves support of this kind from your government or local university. It is a wonderful service. Yours truly, James Choi. Sydney Australia.

Date: Mon, 03 Jul 95 02:01:40 -700 Subject: Unesco Radio This is excellent solution for radio broadcasting. No high power transmitters, no QRM and better (in the future) audio quality! Also the right way for Unesco-information!

Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 08:02:28 -0700 Subject: (no subject) Just wonderful will be my comment. I really enjoyed listening to the reports from UN Radio about the situation in former Yugoslavia. I really don’t what to say to improve your site. Just keep up the good jog. Will be visit your site regularly. Please send me your latest schedule so I can try to listen to you on shortwave though it might be very difficult. Thanks and all the best P. Heng from Penang, Malaysia

Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 21:02:54 -700 Subject: Internet Radio NEXUS Yours is an extremely interesting site to visit for good coverage of major international events, stories etc. Well done and keep it up. Steve Erasmus Johannesburg South Africa

Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 14:32:47 -0700 Subject: (no subject) You site really reminds me of shortwave radio. I enjoyed the relay of United Nations Radio. Please lift the suspension of the “The World in Review.” Keep up the good work. Ed van der Meer

Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 10:01:25 -0400 Hi I am Luis Osorio from Chicago.I think that having radio news from you is great. This is my first experience with you and I just want to let you now that I was here. After having more contact with you, I will be writting my comments. Keep the good work. Question: Why have you stopped to updated the news on July 7?

Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 22:16:55 -0700 Subject: UNESCO Radio via IRRS Shortwave It is really great to see that your organisation is using the net as a communication media. In future times I believe that you will play a crucial role in harnessing the power of universal education & knowledge thru this medium. Keep at it, Real audio is a great way to complete the package, Brian

Date: Mon, 31 Jul 95 21:33:51 0000 Subject: Great! This is really great, now the technique works it is time to get it organised so you can bring up to date news, music or whatever at every moment a day, that would be really outrageous! Chapeau as well to the people who made realaudio possible!

Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 23:07:25 +0200 Subject: realaudio sound quality I enjoyed listening to some of the sound clips featuring ‘Realaudio’. Yours is the best and clearest sounding implementation of this science I’ve heard to date. Interesting and informative subject matter too!

Date: Tue, 01 Aug 95 22:03:39 -0700 Subject: Your RealAudio clips Hello, I am really enjoying your RealAudio clips. I was wondering if you had anymore Italian, or Spanish excerpts or are planning to add a few more. Congratulations on a great job, and keep up the good work. Rafael

NEXUS-IBA, the Home of International Broadcasting on AM and Shortwave