NEXUS-IBA World Radio and global media services for international broadcasting
Beyond Global Waves
Beyond 'Eye for an Eye': Exploring Forgiveness and Revenge in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

In this final episode of 2024 of Beyond Global Waves, we try to understand Religion’s Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

The interplay of religion and politics significantly shapes the narratives and actions within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam each possess unique scriptural perspectives on revenge, violence, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Christian teachings, primarily from the New Testament, advocate for nonviolence and unconditional forgiveness, exemplified by Jesus’s commands to ‘turn the other cheek’ and ‘love your enemies’. As interpreted from the Torah, Judaism offers a more nuanced view, where the principle of “an eye for an eye” is intended as a guideline for proportional justice rather than personal vengeance, alongside calls for mercy. Through the Qur’an, Islam acknowledges the human desire for revenge but elevates forgiveness as a higher moral path, permitting measured retaliation while encouraging reconciliation. These differing scriptural views impact how religious movements and states, including Israel and groups like Hamas, interpret and justify their actions, with some prioritising self-defence and proportional justice and others stressing non-violent resistance or armed struggle.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict illustrates a significant divergence between religious ideals and political realities. While scriptural teachings often promote justice and reconciliation, their application in geopolitical contexts can lead to violence and division. Israel, while a secular state with a strong Jewish identity, invokes the Torah’s principles for security and territorial claims, sometimes leading to actions that critics argue contravene ethical principles. Similarly, Islamic states and movements interpret their religious texts to justify governance and armed resistance, occasionally exceeding the boundaries of Islamic jurisprudence. International reactions, including those from the UN, the United States, and European nations, also reflect varied approaches to the conflict. As we move into 2025, the challenge remains to bridge the gap between religious teachings and political actions, striving for a path that aligns with the ethical imperatives of each tradition in the pursuit of lasting peace.

You can read more on Faith, Terrorism, and Media: The Impact of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Beliefs on 2024’s Conflicts on the NEXUS-IBA’s blog.

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